Thursday, June 14, 2012

One shot wonder

Yeah, I've been off in my own world the past several months. Sorry. I miss blogging though. I miss taking pictures too. I've started approximately 50 blogposts but haven't pushed 'Publish' on any of them for some odd reason. A lot has happened since I left off... Biggest news: I'm pregnant. Let's just say we had a really good time at our wedding. Sure, this little nugget wasn't planned but we knew we wanted to start a family sooner than later so we just happened to start RIGHT AWAY. Wham. Bam. Thank you, Ma'am.

I won't bore you with the details but I was sick the first trimester (hence the last post being about going to the ER with hives... oh, we knew I was preggo but didn't know if the babe was the culprit - luckily haven't had them since), second trimester breezed by with getting fat and here we are nearly 7 weeks away from meeting our sweet little one.

Is it a boy or a girl? Beats me. We decided to wait and see. I think we are leaning towards boy.  It's pretty surreal thinking there might be a tiny penis and a set of balls inside of me. Yeah, I went there.  

Only 18 weeks here but I just love it's little profile.

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